Throughout the year, technology lovers were mesmerized by all the new and old eye-catching applications. People have spent a lot of time on social media during the house arrest due to the epidemic. The use of the app has increased at a significant rate in all types of services including education and work. And the use of these apps has changed the trend of online activities.
Let's take a look at the list of the top 10 popular apps in 2021. This was revealed in a report by technology site Kubco.
According to a report by Facebook, 2.8 billion people use this most popular social media every month. This site is equally popular with everyone from the young generation to the elderly.
Although Facebook has been disrupted several times this year, the number of users has not decreased much, but has increased. A few months ago, the corporate name of Facebook was Meta. However, technology experts say otherwise. According to them, the younger generation is now more vocal on Facebook and on Instagram.
YouTube is currently at the top of the list of top 10 popular apps created by technology site Kubco.
WhatsApp is another texting platform owned by Facebook. This app is being used in almost 100 countries of the world. It has more than 2 billion users.
Instagram is another important platform for 2021. One of the most used social media apps. It has 1.2 billion users.
Only politicians and celebrities use Twitter. As a result, ordinary people in Bangladesh do not have much interest in Twitter. Therefore, the number of Twitter users in the country is relatively low. Even then, this social media site is on the top list of popularity.
Tiktok has more than 800 million users worldwide. According to a report by technology site Reuters, the milestone of 1 billion monthly active users in tiktok This is about 45 percent more than in July last year.
LinkedIn is hugely popular around the world as a carrier networking site. This is a bit different than other social media. Anyone can create a profile on LinkedIn to get professional work. Microsoft reports that LinkedIn revenue has risen 21 percent this year since the epidemic.
Snapchat is on the list of top social media apps. Snapchat users have increased by 16 percent this year.
The most used site during the Zoom epidemic. Everything from online classes to office meetings is going on. It is one of the best social media apps of 2021.