Lounge brings smart glasses for people with Parkinson's disease. The company has announced to bring new spectacles to help the sufferers in walking.
People with Parkinson's disease who have difficulty moving suddenly feel inability to move their legs forward. Using Augmented Reality (AR) in Lounge's smart glasses, a visible movement pattern will be created on the floor so that infected patients can continue to walk on that extended area. Speaking about working with spectacles at the Cranial Nerve Research Center at Kyungpook National University Hospital, Launz said the product would increase the walking width of people with Parkinson's disease by 24 percent and walking speed by 31.7 percent.
Smart glasses use artificial intelligence, situation recognition and computer vision technology for AR features. These glasses have shown the ability to identify the movement problem of 92.9 percent of the wearers. Lounge said the glasses would also protect the patient from slipping and falling. The camera will also detect the iris of the patient's eye. As a result, it will play a positive role in the treatment of dementia. The spectacles made by the South Korean company will cost 5 million ounces. However, at present it is being sold only in hospitals. Its price is much the same as Microsoft's HoloLens. A number of South Korean technology companies, such as Laontz and Eleantech, and LatinAR are working on smart glasses.