Noise unveiled the first ColorFit Ultra smartwatch in July 2021. The Indian company has already gained good popularity in the wearable market. As part of the success of the previous one, the company has come up with the ColorFit Ultra 2 smartwatch with more advanced build quality and features.
The Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 smartwatch has a better display than the previous one. It has a 1.78-inch AMOLED screen and Alloys on display feature. As a result, the wearer will see all the time and health information. The smartwatch is square like the Apple Watch. It also has a button.
Structurally, the Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 Smartwatch has a stainless steel body, IP6 water and dust resistant coating. As a result, the smartwatch can be used for a long time even in hot or rainy days. The previous version of the smartwatch was available in two colors but the new one will be available in four different colors. These are Jet Black, Navy Gold, Olive Green and Silver Gray.
The ColorFit Ultra 2 smartwatch has a Noise Health Suite for fitness lovers. It helps users to know health information through the Nosefit app. The smartwatch is also able to check the amount of oxygen in the blood (SPO2) and the amount of sleep. It has 24 hours heart rate monitoring as well as more than 60 sports modes. It also has a female health feature. Through this women can know the information of their menstrual cycle. Users can use more than 100 watchface for software customization.
Some of these rely on variable animations and cloud features. Other features include Smartwatch Weather Forecast, Reminder, Quick Replay of Call and Message, World Clock, Music, Stocks, Flashlight, Smart Do Not Disturb (DND), Calculator. Noise claims that once charged, the ColourFit Ultra 2 smart watch can last up to seven days and will have strong battery health. The smartwatch can be bought in the Indian market for 120 Dollars or Rs 8,999.