Qualcomm's Snapdragon 898 chip was unveiled at the summit. This year's conference has been organized from November 30 to December 2. Recently a banner was shared on the company's website about the upcoming Tech Summit. There is written - More to come, listen! Besides, no other information was shared there.
Compared to the previous models, the performance of this chip is improving by 20 percent. It has a Snapdragon X65 5G modem with a maximum download capacity of 10 Gbps.
Rumors have been circulating for a long time that Xiaomi will launch a smartphone with Snapdragon 898 chip. It is possible that this chip will be used in the Xiaomi 12 phone by the end of this year. Apart from Xiaomi, companies like Huawei, Lenovo, Motorola, Vivo, Apo and Samsung may also bring smartphones with Qualcomm's new chipset.