Huawei has recently published a new patent application in China. However, this is not the case for conventional smartwatches, earbuds or smartphones. Huawei Technologies has a new patent application for quantum computing. News gizmochayana.
The patent has been written in a unique serial. According to the patent, Huawei has already made quantum chipsets and computing devices. Huawei's new quantum computing device aims to solve the current problems of making quantum chipsets, including the complexity of making quantum chipsets as well as the low efficiency of new chips compared to existing computing chips.
The new type of quantum chip will not only make the assembly process easier, but also create more efficient units. In this context, the market share will also increase. Quantum chips will reduce the complexity of the production of M sub chips, as well as increase its performance. For example, if there is a problem with a subchip, it can only be changed. In this case the whole chipset does not have to be replaced and it will also reduce the amount of electrical waste.
Quantum computing is considered to be the next generation in the computer world. This will increase the speed of internet and computing 10 times. For example, at present a supercomputer takes 108 days or three months to calculate 72 lakh 70 thousand crore pi digits. Quantum computers can calculate the same number of digits in just 10 days.